eyebrow tattoo sydney

The Beauty In Eyebrow Tattoo in Sydney

Have you seen a footballer or artist with a skin tattoo? Such tattoo normally appears on the arms and body. Eyebrow tattoo is the same as such tattoo. With this kind of tattoo, the original eyebrow hair is replaced with hair-look-alike on the shape of your eyebrow. This is shallower in depth when compared to the design of the body tattoo.

The material used in designing eyebrow tattoo in Sydney is not the same as body tattoo ink. What is used is cosmetic tattoo ink. Pigments can also be used. 

Who Needs Eyebrow Tattoo?

Some conditions that can make you need an eyebrow tattoo in Sydney are:

  • You are fed up with having to use pencils for the filling of the eyebrows every day.
  • You have suffered eyebrow hair loss.
  • You have thin eyebrows that are not in proper shape.
  • You are tired of carrying your eyebrow kits everywhere.
  • As a working woman, you don’t have sufficient time to fill your eyebrows properly.
  • As a busy mom, you lack time to fill your eyebrows properly.

How Is It Done?

Eyebrow tattoo in Sydneymay take just a session or two. Initially, it may look overwhelming to you; but by the time you are done, you will keep enjoying the new on flick brows for up to 8 to 15 months.

Step 1: Consultation: You will first go for consultancy sessions. The tattoo artist will discuss with you the kind of material they will use. The shape of eyebrows will also be discussed. Color will be recommended for the eyebrow tattoo in Sydney. Different styles will also be discussed.

Step 2: Drawing of Eyebrows: The tattoo artist will start the process by, first of all, drawing the final shape. This will give you a picture of what the end result will be. If you desire any change, this is the time to tell the artist.

Step 3: The actual tattoo: Before commencement, some artists make use of pre-numbing. As this may cause swelling and make the job difficult, some artists don’t go for it. Rather, they use numbing cream after a few passes.

The numbing cream is given some minutes to kick in, then the main process of eyebrows tattoo starts. Usually, the exercise takes 1:30 to 2 hours.

Step 4: The Perfection: Touch up session is the last. After the final procedure, the color may fade slightly within a month. This is why another session is needed. The color is then adjusted to make the eyebrow tattoo perfect.

What Are Microblading and Micropigmentation?

These are just other techniques to inject color into your eyebrows to form the eyebrow tattoo in Sydney.

What Are Feather brows and Powder brows? What of Ombre brows and Combination brows?

These are just eyebrow styles you may choose from. 

The Key Takeaways

Eyebrow tattoo in Sydney, as a modern technology, can save you from inconveniences. It can also save you time. For you to get what you desire, you need to know what you want from the beginning. When you go for a consultation, ask some questions and make the right choice.